An extremely grave amendment has been placed on the November 2024 ballot that seeks to erase pro-life protections by inserting language into the Florida Constitution prohibiting regulation of abortion. The amendment would allow late-term abortions, including when the baby is capable of feeling pain, and would eliminate laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women.
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is working hard to oppose this dangerous and deceptive amendment and urges all Floridians to vote "NO" on Amendment 4.
Ever-living God, you give life and desire a future for all your children. Take hold of our nation, state, and community and awaken in every heart awe for the gift of life. Send your Spirit to strengthen us with wisdom and fortitude as we defend mothers and children in Florida from laws that disregard their health and safety.
Mary and Joseph trusted in you and welcomed Jesus into our broken world. God Almighty, we ask their intercession to protect the preborn and their mothers, and to guide all parents in raising their children. May they help us build a civilization of love by upholding the sacredness of life and accompanying pregnant women in need.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady, Mother of the Family, pray for us!
St. Joseph, protector of the unborn, pray for us!
The focus of this ministry is education and advocacy for human life and dignity at all stages of existence. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy which are found in the teachings of Jesus give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise; they “are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs”.
The Ministry partners with pregnancy and women & children’s resource centers through the “Walking with Moms” program, supporting those in need within the St. Augustine area.
We welcome parishioners to join us every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4:00PM. Basic commitment is once a month.
For more information, contact:
Regina Jean Fields
Email: [email protected]