Our Lady of Good Counsel seeks as a parish to become an international community of active disciples within the body of Christ. As such we seek to pray, reflect and then act on issues of faith and justice both locally and globally. In doing so, we seek to partner in faith and good works with other communities in need outside the United States specifically Haiti.
To accomplish this we are partnering with the Community Coalition for Haiti (CCH), http://cchaiti.org/
We choose this organization because we believe it offers established community-driven solutions for meeting the basic needs of the poor. Through partnership with local communities, CCH has successfully implemented sustainable long-term solutions throughout its twenty-year history.
In conjunction with CCH, we seek to address needs and life-quality issues such as:
Within our Parish
Within Haiti
You do not need to have professional skills to serve in Haiti; just an open and loving spirit! We sincerely hope that our youth and or their families will consider an in-country service trip. You will truly walk and serve a disciple of Jesus.
As a parish, we can aid the Haitian people by contributing monetarily to support some of their basic needs
Life – Sustaining Gifts
Haitian Education
OLGC Parish Youth trip Sponsorship –
Contributions of any denomination for healthcare would be most appreciated as 60 % of CCH’s budget costs are toward Healthcare.
Tax-deductible checks should be made out to OLGC and the words “Haiti Project” on the memo line. Along with a description of how you would like your donation to be applied. For example 3 Trios of Chickens $150.00, $90.00 towards Education $ 100.00 towards Healthcare costs) etc..
Either drop your donation in the collection basket or mail to OLGC, 5950 State Road 16, Saint Augustine FL 32092.
For more information, contact:
Nancey Harvey
Email: [email protected]
Greg Hemsoth
Email: [email protected]